Under normal circumstances, the Bris is performed on the eighth day of the child’s life. For example, is he is born on Tuesday, the Bris is performed on the following Tuesday. The Bris needs to be performed during the daytime.

On the Jewish calendar, the day changes at sundown. Tuesday evening after sundown is considered Wednesday. Specific questions in each case need to be clarified individually especially if near Shabat or Yom Tov or regarding the exact time of day and sundown in each location.

Sometimes there are circumstances that require the Bris to take place later than the eighth day. If, for example, there are health concerns, such as jaundice or insufficient birth weight, the Bris is postponed until after the baby is medically cleared for circumcision. In the event of a question, I will work with your pediatrician in determining the appropriate date for the Bris.

There are other circumstances that require/allow the delay of a Bris. I will be happy to discuss this with you.

Under normal circumstances, the Bris is performed on the eighth day of the child’s life. For example, is he is born on Tuesday, the Bris is performed on the following Tuesday. The Bris needs to be performed during the daytime.

On the Jewish calendar, the day changes at sundown. Tuesday evening after sundown is considered Wednesday. Specific questions in each case need to be clarified individually especially if near Shabat or Yom Tov or regarding the exact time of day and sundown in each location.

Sometimes there are circumstances that require the Bris to take place later than the eighth day. If, for example, there are health concerns, such as jaundice or insufficient birth weight, the Bris is postponed until after the baby is medically cleared for circumcision. In the event of a question, I will work with your pediatrician in determining the appropriate date for the Bris.

There are other circumstances that require/allow the delay of a Bris. I will be happy to discuss this with you.